Medical Institute students of the 4-6 years study at the Department. They study the following subjects: Neurosurgery, Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology, Medical Psychology, Skin and Venereal Diseases, Occupational Diseases, Clinical Immunology and Allergology. There are special courses of study: Basics of Sexual Pathology, Fundamentals of Psychoanalysis, Alternative Methods of Treatment.

Innovation technologies are involved into the process of studying, such as the Credit Unit System, educational and controlling computer programs. In 1998 the clinical residency was started at the Department to train Ukrainian and foreign physicians.

The students take part in republican academic competitions in different fields and permanently win high places: S. Suprun took III place in 2005 and IV place in 2006 in Psychiatry field (Kharkiv); V. Vasylenko took III place in 2006 in the field of Neurology (Tchernivtsi); O. Opimakh took III place in 2006 in the field of Clinical Immunology and Allergology (Tchernivtsi). In 2007 O.Novykova took III place in Medical Psychology field (Kharkiv); Yu. Ivakhniuk took III place at an Academic Competition in Clinical Immunology and Allergology.

The Department is a center of young specialists training. The internship training in Neurology was started in 2008, the masters course – in 2009.

In 1998 the clinical residency was started at the Department to train Ukrainian and foreign physicians.


At the present moment the clinical sites of the Department are fitted out with up-to-date equipment (electroencephalograph, rheograph,   echoencephalograph, computerized tomograph, operating microscope, ultrasonic aspirator, etc.). There are: physical therapy department, laboratories, ultrasound investigation, units of X-ray examination and functional diagnostics. Present-day computers and multimedia projector are provided for academic activities. Classrooms are fitted with boards, wall signs, breadboard models and other devices. Students and internship doctors are fully provided with up-to-date methodological guides, textbooks, manuals and scientific literature. The Department holds a selection of own scientific publications. A number of guidelines for students, internship doctors, practicing physicians were published. They are offered in good supply at the Medical Institute Library.