Internship in the clinic of combat stress and psychotraumatology, Warsaw, Poland (May 28-June 3, 2023)

Following the meeting of the first ladies of Ukraine and Poland, Olena Zelenska and Kornhauser-Duda, Agatha, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the Mental Health Coordination Center of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine organized an internship at the Clinic of the Military Medical Institute in Warsaw, Poland. 28.05-03.06.2023 Associate Professor of the Department of Neurosurgery and Neurology, Doctor of Medical Sciences Iryna Mudrenko and PhD student Oksana Cherevko visited the combat stress clinic, we are learning the latest methods of psychodiagnosis of PTSD and treatment of mental combat trauma with the help of augmented virtual reality, TF CBT, NMDR, and other methods . Specialists directly visited the combat stress clinic and got acquainted with the system of providing psychiatric and psychological assistance to victims and their families as a result of mental trauma caused by the war. During the training, Ukrainian doctors willingly shared their experience and actively participated in case discussions. We express our gratitude to the organizers and Polish colleagues for the knowledge gained and the warm welcome! According to the results of the training, specialists have passed certification. 


The Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories Protocol

In September 2022, a PhD student of the department, Oksana Cherevko, received online training in the application of the protocol of reconsolidation of traumatic memories (RTM) at The Research and Recognition Project’s School, New York state American Legion Grant RTM.

According to research, this method is more than 90% effective in patients with post-traumatic stress (An Open-Label, Randomized Controlled Trial of the Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories Protocol, 2021). During training with the support of highly qualified trainers, it was possible to practice important skills in clinical work with post-traumatic stress disorder: establishing a rapport, calibrating emotions, using break states, changing submodalities during the reconsolidation of traumatic memories during the application of the RTM protocol.


We wish Oksana Cherevko success in passing certification in this effective and so necessary wartime treatment method for post-traumatic stress disorder!


The 16th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology

Associate ProfessorDmytro Sotnikovand Oksana Kolenko on March 24 – 27, 2022 took part in the international virtual congress The 16th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology. The event took place in the form of bilateral discussions on current issues of practical neurology. The congress participants had the opportunity to ask questions and express their own opinions. On the last day of the congress testing was offered which resulted in European CME credits for continuous training of doctors.

29th European Psychiatric Congress (EPA 2021)

For the first time, the Department of Neurosurgery and Neurology with courses in psychiatry, narcology, medical psychology of Sumy State University Medical Institute is presented at the arena of the 29th European Psychiatric Congress (EPA 2021), which took place in virtual format on April 10-13, 2021. Professor Potapov Oleksandr, associate professors Mudrenko Iryna, Kolenko Oksana, Yurchenko Alla, assistant Chinyak Olgа,graduate student Alexei Yurchenko and clinical resident Elsavir Eid took an active part in the work of the congress. E-posters of the department staff are presented in the sections Depressive disorders, Molecular and Genetic Neurobiology, Suicidology and suicide prevention. The following scientific papers were presented at the congress: O. Chyniak Association between IL-17, IL-23 with neurocognitive scales in patients with Alzheimer’s disease; I. Mudrenko, O. Potapov, Elsavir Eid, V. Mudrenko The program of complex differentiated medical and psychological rehabilitation of suicidal behavior in dementia; O. Kolenko Anxiety-depressive disorders in patients with dysarthria against the background of organic brain damage; A. Yurchenko Neurophysiological features associated with suicidal risk in dementias; O. Kolenko Neuroimaging correlates of suicidal behavior in dementia.




Associate Professor of Neurosurgery and Neurology, Doctor of Medical SciencesIryna Mudrenko took part in a presentation at the World Congress of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) WPA Regional Congress “PSYCHOPATHOLOGY IN PERIODS OF TRANSITIONS”, which took place on July 7-9 2021, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Also within the congress the works of the department staff are presented in E-poster and abstract format. The staff of the department was thanked by the Association of Neurologists, Psychiatrists and Narcologists of Ukraine for active participation in the congress.


Migraine Trust Virtual Symposium

Associate Professor Dmytro Sotnikov October 3 – 9, 2020 took an active part in the virtual symposium Migraine Trust Virtual Symposium. The forum brought together several thousand neurologists who study the problem of headaches, especially migraines. Sotnikov D. presented 2 oral presentations on the topic of preventive treatment of migraine. The symposium included a 7-days online session with reports and lectures on the latest scientific achievements, an interactive panel of scientific discussion, and opportunities for online communication with colleagues from different countries. In addition, a platform has been created for manufacturers to present their latest tools and pharmacological agents used to treat migraines.


28th European Congress of Psychiatry

On July 4-7, 2020, in Madrid, Spain, the EPA 2020 virtual congress took place: the 28th European Congress of Psychiatry, organized by the European Psychiatric Association (EPA). The congress presented the work of associate professor Mudrenko Irina Grigoryevna in the format E – Poster “Clinical-psychopathological mechanisms of formation of suicidal behavior in dementia” within the section “Suicidal behavior and its prevention”. Detailed information can be found on the congress website


Erasmus+ (Umeå, Sweden)

The assistant of the Department Kmyta Oleksii participated in the EU Erasmus + program. The internship was taking place from April 1st to April 12th and included an introduction to the organization of teaching student discipline at Umeå University, with the involvement of educational and clinical processes at the Clinical Neuroscience in the University Hospital of Umeå.

Training course CHU Limoges, France 2019

From September 16th to October 1st, Assistant Professor Kmyta Olexii has “traditionally” attended a training course at the University Hospital Center of Limoges, France (CHU Limoges), where he had the opportunity to work in the Multiple Sclerosis Center and in the neurosurgical OR.


Dr. Xavier DROUET. June 24-26.2019

Dr. Xavier DROUET (France) is a graduate of the École Normale Supérieure, the Faculty of Medicine of Paris and the National Conservatoire for Arts and Crafts in Biotechnology, Doctor of Medicine, Specialist in research and planning, humanitarian services and tourism, Head of consulting company, developer of innovation business creation projects, visited Sumy Region.

Dr. DROUET visited the Medical Institute of SSU and the Center for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis. He held a number of meetings with management and representatives of the Medical Institute, during which discussed the prospects of establishing contacts with the continuation of cooperation with the relevant institutions of France.


Salzburg 2018

The assistant of the department, Kmyta Oleksii, took an active participation in the seminar “Neurosurgery (Spine)”, which held in Salzburg, Austria, from May 26 to June 2.