Head of the Department Potapov Oleksandr Oleksandrovych

Head of the Department Honored Doctor of Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Potapov Oleksandr Oleksandrovych. In 1985, he graduated from Ivano-Frankivsk Medical Institute. Worked as a neurosurgeon at the Sumy Regional Clinical Hospital, from 1989 to 1992 – studied in clinical residency and postgraduate studies. In 1992, he defended his PhD thesis. Since 1995 – lecturer, associate professor, head of the neurosurgery course. In 2002, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Disorders of the coagulation and anticoagulation systems of the blood in traumatic brain injury”, and obtained the title of professor. He has about 130 scientific and methodological publications. Medical category – highest.

Associate Professor Kolenko Oksana Ivanivna

Associate Professor Candidate of Medical Sciences Kolenko Oksana Ivanivna. She graduated in 1999 from the Medical Faculty of SumDU, completed clinical residency and postgraduate studies. In 2006, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic “Epidemiology of stroke according to the registry data in the city of Sumy (epidemiological and clinical-morphological study)”. She has about 70 published scientific and methodological works. Continues research on current issues in neurology, particularly cerebrovascular pathology. Part-time researcher at the Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry, and Narcology of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. Medical category – highest.

Associate Professor Yurchenko Alla Vladyslavivna

Associate Professor Candidate of Medical Sciences Yurchenko Alla Vladyslavivna. She graduated in 1983 from Kharkiv Medical Institute. In 2002, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “Rehabilitation of patients with cerebrovascular insufficiency who were exposed to low doses of ionizing radiation”. She has about 15 published scientific papers. Medical category – highest.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Lychko Volodymyr Stanislavovych

Associate Professor Doctor of Medical Sciences Lychko Volodymyr Stanislavovych. In 2000, he graduated from the Medical Faculty of SumDU, worked as a neurologist in the vascular department of Clinical Hospital No. 4. In 2010, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Endothelium-dependent mechanisms of blood-brain barrier damage in brain infarction during medication correction”, and in 2021 – his doctoral thesis “Diagnosis and treatment of brain infarction considering membrane-receptor and immunological disorders (clinical-experimental study)”. He has over 150 published scientific papers. Continues research on current issues in neurology, particularly cerebrovascular pathology. Medical category – highest.